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Alcoholism: an underestimated by the public scourge, doctors and state

The report Hervé Chabalier on alcohol, given to the Health Minister, Xavier Bertrand, makes nine recommendations and calls for a "comprehensive plan Alcohol" taking seriously the dangers of alcohol.
To be taken seriously
Herve Chabalier, journalist and founder of the audiovisual agency Capa, was commissioned by the former Health Minister, Philippe Douste-Blazy, to make proposals for prevention, especially among young people, as well as in the field of information and support for alcoholics and their families.
He has published a book entitled "One for the Road", in which he recounts his past drinker and his rehab in a Swiss institution that allowed him to remain abstinent "to this day," as he stated.
This mission was entrusted to him after the publication of an article in the "Journal du Dimanche", in which he protested against the vote in the Senate by a relaxation of the Evin law on alcohol advertising. His report is published as a book "Alcoholism: speaking the truth, the plain speaking." It is surrounded by eight experts, doctors, psychologists, former drinker or experts in addiction.
He notes that alcoholism is underestimated in its scope and severity (68,000 deaths per year, including 23,000 and 45,000 directly attributable with cofactors such as tobacco, violence, drugs and other socialization, 20% to 30% of the number of deaths due to cancer), highlighting that the word alcohol is mentioned eight times in the Cancer Plan, against 39 times for the word tobacco.
Alcohol should be considered a drug
The report recommends "make the fight against alcoholism a national cause" and encourages the creation of an Alcohol Foundation, "finance, promotionnera, coordinate actions, research, communication." He suggested for funding the payment of a portion of the taxes on alcohol and participation of the National Health Insurance Fund for Employees (Cnamts) on the savings on treatment of alcoholism.
Alcohol should be considered a "drug", with clear warnings: readable health warnings (black and white, like on cigarette packets) on all packaging "of alcohol is dangerous for health" , missing the word "consume in moderation", mention the additional risk to pregnant women, ban the sale of alcohol in gas stations. It must also "normalize abstinence", resented and even stigmatized in French society.
Access to health care should be facilitated with better promotion number Listen alcohol (, Interactive information sites and the creation of information centers and departmental or municipal level.
An innovation is to develop the presence of "alcohol counselors" or "councellors" social-workers in shelters, hospitals and businesses to "draw attention to the part of alcohol in people with difficulties ".
The report calls for mandatory continuing education on alcohol for GPs and doctors, the proliferation of alcoholism units and mobile liaison teams, enhancing the social role of caregivers (job creation, beds, "offers real career opportunities") and recovery of groups of former drinkers.
Actions towards young people and businesses
For young people, Herve Chabalier believes that urgent measures are to be taken as the effective implementation of the prohibition of the sale of alcohol to under 16 (signage in stores) and the ban on alcohol producers to sponsor celebrations organized by or for young people, the prohibition of promotion of alcohol through sports and the introduction of the teaching of alcoholism in the third and fourth classes, led by GPs, alcohologists, therapists and former users.
The report estimates that the company has become involved in prevention, with management training, drafting of internal regulations on alcohol consumption, "Management pots", creating "alcohol groups" . Alcohol should be deleted from the canteens and "zero alcohol at work" must be established for the positions of security forces in the construction and public works, road transport and passenger recommends there.
Herve Chabalier considers it necessary to conduct a study on "the true costs of the consequences of alcoholism", including "national enrichment generated by the manufacture and sale of alcohol" and "the cost to the nation of the consequences of Alcoholism ".
Herve Chabalier not say on the constitution after the drafting of the report, the Council of moderation and prevention. But he says it would be "desirable that the level of national representation, public health officials do not have interest in the wine industry."

The Health Minister, Xavier Bertrand, who received Hervé Chabalier and members of the working group responsible for drafting the report, announced the holding of the States General on alcohol, to prepare an "overhaul" of the policy against alcoholism.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →