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An addiction, what is it?

An addiction can involve different substances (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, heroin, cocaine, morphine, amphetamine, ...) or may be related to activities or behaviors (gambling, workaholism, sport ...).
The control or attachment (substance or activity) then create a state of uncontrollable addiction, despite the effort of the subject to fight against addiction.
Different types of addiction
The different types of addiction are strongly related to the product or the act (addiction to alcohol, heroin, gambling, sex, work, ...).
However, the consequences are always dependent, which can be grouped into physical dependence and psychological dependence.
Physical addiction
It is a state of dependence of the body to a product whose absence causes the development of serious physical manifestations constituting a craving called withdrawal syndrome. Disorders are usually caused specific product: the alcohol addiction, the signs are usually tremors, sweating, convulsive while tobacco dependence is especially marked by nervousness and anxiety attacks.
In this type of addiction, the body adapts to the prolonged presence of the product, sometimes leading to addiction with a need to increase the dose to get the same effect. Physical addiction can be transient and may disappear when the toxic effects of the product are eliminated.
A psychological addiction
It results in a persistent desire to use the product or perform the act and is manifested by the appearance of signs such as pain, discomfort, anxiety, appearing without a known cause but due to a lack of mental disorders product.
Psychological dependence is frequently linked to the individual (emotional factors, lifestyle) and can last a lifetime because the brain stores this dependency.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →