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Cannabis: the active ingredient is more concentrated in the product, the more it is dangerous

More active ingredient in cannabis is concentrated in the proposed consumer product, it is more dangerous, warned, before a packed room, Dr. Pierre Morelis, pharmacologist at Lyon, at a symposium held at the Hospital of St. Vincent de Paul (Paris) by the National Committee for Children.
Hemp, Cannabis Savita, is an annual herb. The products have various names: marijuana, grass, ganja ... for leaves and flowers, for hashish resin. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) was identified in 1964 as the main responsible for the psychoactive properties. In addition, cannabis contains a large number of compounds with more than sixty are cannabinoids that may have physiological effects.
"Since 1995, informs Dr. Morelis have seen show products characterized by very high concentrations of THC, 10 to 15 times higher than those of cannabis 70s. Yet, the active ingredient is more concentrated, more cannabis becomes dangerous to-eat ".
When derivatives are smoked hemp, combustion and pyrolysis generate many compounds. "Smoke from a marijuana cigarette contains much more carcinogenic compounds strong as that produced by a tobacco cigarette to equal weight. Moreover, hashish may include various additives (paraffin oil drain dyes, animal feces! ...) potentially toxic, "says pharmacologist.
According to him, when a person smokes a "joint", the blood concentration of THC culminates in a few minutes and then decreases rapidly to reach just as quickly in the brain due to high fat. "This very highly vascularized, behaves like a sponge effect vis-à-vis the THC stored in fat, stayed there a long time, slowly in salted and then returns to the bloodstream. Liver the then converted into water-soluble derivatives that can be found in urine for nearly a month after cessation of regular consumption. This long persistence in the body explains the low intensity disturbances withdrawal. "

It may also happen that the THC stored in fat is released so massive, unexpected or more months after the last use of cannabis, says the specialist. In addition, this substance highly lipophilic, easily crosses the placenta to the point that the observed concentrations in fetal blood are equal to or better than the maternal blood. Thus one can easily find THC metabolites in meconium (feces excreted by the newborn during the first few days of his life), says Dr. Morelis.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →