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Cardiovascular disease risk factors

Professor Christian Cabrol, a member of the Academy of Medicine

This is what is called scientifically, atheroma. These deposits in the arteries, can come from three or four major risk factors.
The first, of course, is tobacco. Tobacco, because it will cause spasms of the arteries. So the arteries that are a little clogged, which may have arteries around and landed like when there is a blockage on the road, and although these arteries are spasmer and there was, at that time, the very serious heart attack.

On the other hand, a second [factor] is the power supply. Food that is both too large and is unbalanced.
Why too much? Well, it must refer to before the war of 1940, where we had a traditional food, cultural power, as said Dr. Recchia, which was the result of many changes over the centuries. When our cooks, our mothers, our grandmothers, our sisters made us a diet that was not too heavy. Although at that time we spent a lot more energy, because there was not much mechanical help, even in the city, where there was not much transport we did a lot of walking walk, plenty of exercise. On the one hand this and on the other hand excess food.

Because after the war, when we were in the airplane food shortages. We caught up, so to speak, and we had a flood of product, especially the Americans who are seen immediately, and have we got the creation of a mass obese , which is quite dangerous, and is entirely preventable if we can not eat too much.
Unbalanced too, because instead of maintaining our traditional food, well we got to sugar, fat, again under the influence of the American diet.

Third thing that has facilitated this: two things, diabetes and hypertension.
Diabetes, which is not itself created by obesity, creates atherosclerotic damage of small arteries, it makes them even more dangerous.
But diabetes is mainly due to obesity, because obesity is not only annoying by the fact that it involves a whole series of problems, but most especially, it creates diabetes. Therefore, it is also a risk factor for creating atherosclerotic lesions.

And then there is also hypertension. It is a world, but that also plays a role in obesity hypertension. Anyway, this hypertension, such as diabetes can be cured, therefore, they are avoidable risks.

Something else too: the stress, nervousness. The nervousness because it creates spasms of the arteries, almost at all times. I once saw a CEO who told me, "but then if I understand you correctly, I thank you for the first idiot who came makes me angry, because it will cause spasm of my arteries."
Exactly, so calm down.

And of course, there is the lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, who plays both ways. On the one hand, spending less, our diet too rich, and secondly by not exercising all muscles of the body and also our respiratory muscles and our heart muscle.
Because exercise, we still believe that it will essentially improve cardiac and respiratory muscle. Not at all. It improves our muscles, because exercise helps muscle to spend less oxygen. It is more efficient because it learns to spare oxygen, and if need less oxygen, the effort will require less and less breathing cardiac output. So on that side, it will help.

And finally, there is of course the hormones. We know that female hormones protect them to a certain time of the atheroma. Unfortunately, from the time when their hormones do not work, menopause, and many there are in the same risk as men. D'' especially since women are also made to feed an unbalanced way and smoking.
Therefore, a variety of factors that will cause significant damage to our arteries, and in particular a very important cardiovascular mortality.

Since we have detailed these risk factors, and many can be avoided. By eating less, eating well balanced, making the exercise of sport.
Also having a monitoring our blood pressure, trying not to get stressed and doing a regular activity. These are the main problems and solutions of these major cardiovascular diseases.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →