Cholesterol and Public Health
According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), complications caused by high cholesterol cause internationally a serious
public health problem.
In a 2002 report, it alone accounts
for about 8% of all deaths in developed countries and 2% of deaths in
developing countries voieDiminuer cholesterol
WHO estimates that high blood
pressure and high cholesterol cause alone 9 million deaths per year.
In France, the estimate of people
with high cholesterol is 32% among men aged 45 to 60 and 23% of women aged 35
to 60 years *. High cholesterol could affect between 20 and 30% of the general
adult population **
This cholesterol can be corrected by
a balanced diet. The diet should primarily limit saturated fat and specifically
focus on plant products (fruits and vegetables in large quantities). It will be
associated with regular and moderate exercise. In case of failure, drug therapy
may be associated in order to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease.
However, only the doctor may decide
to administration of anti-cholesterol drugs and its judgment based on the
results of blood tests.
Monitoring treatment frequently
arises with the lack of symptoms to hypercholesterolemia and motivating topic
in holding a good position in the lifestyle or the regularity of the
medication. This imposes a good doctor / patient relationship: understanding
the condition of the patient, knowledge of various risk factors and
complications, the conviction of the need for lifestyle changes or medication.
* SU.VI.MAX (vitamin and minerals
antioxidants) is a study launched on 11 October 1994 to provide a source of
information on food consumption of French and their health.
** MONICA (Multinational MONItoring
of trends and determinants in Cardiovascular disease), it is an international
study planned and coordinated by WHO aimed to measure trends and determinants
of mortality and morbidity from diseases cardiovascular and study the risk
factors for these diseases. development.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →