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Cocaine addiction and pregnancy

Cocaine is the second largest illicit drug often associated with alcohol and tobacco in 4% of pregnant women.
They have used it in the previous month pregnancy and resume this consumption in 1% of cases.
45,000 children are exposed in utero each year in France
The consequences are serious:
On pregnancy
delayed intrauterine growth,
retro-placental hematoma
uterine rupture
uterine infarction
On the fetus
abnormal neural migration
deficient neural architecture
head smaller, low weight and scope
arrhythmia and abnormal heart development
risk of aggression.
persistent oppositional disorders, from the age of 6 years, very difficult to treat.
All this is enhanced by the intake of alcohol (even a glass of wine per day) and tobacco.

The total withdrawal der tobacco and alcohol should be absolute in early pregnancy.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →