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Diseases related to smoking

Smoking (active and passive) is either a cause or a risk factor for several diseases.
Respiratory diseases
Respiratory diseases are mainly due to irritation of the respiratory tract by toxic substances in tobacco, which can lead to permanent lung damage.
In fact, the hair cells in the bronchial wall whose main function is to reject foreign bodies (dust, chemicals) in the atmosphere, are altered and no longer function normally. Tar directly onto the walls of the airways.
Chronic bronchitis is an inflammatory condition of the airways manifested by productive morning cough and periodicals.
Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airways including bronchi and is characterized by shortness of breath associated with hypersecretion and bronchial constriction.
Pulmonary emphysema is a permanent destruction of the lungs.
Cancer is a tumor that develops at the expense of cell bodiesIn smoking, there is an increased risk of cancers.
Lung cancer by prolonged exposure of mucosal cells to toxic particles
Cancer of the mouth, the lips are the most commonly affected, but the tongue cancer is also common.
Laryngeal cancer: across the larynx are involved (glottis, epiglottis). This type of cancer affects many more men and risk increases with the association of smoking with alcohol.
Esophageal cancer is common especially when combined with smoking alcoholismBladder cancer and kidney cancer: smoking is a risk factor here and not a direct cause of these diseases.
We may also mention other cancers such as cancer of the cervix, and pancreas.
Digestive Diseases
Ulcers (gastric and duodenal) are most common in digestive diseases related to smoking.
Their appearance is due to an alteration of the intestinal mucosa by reducing oxygen supply by blood.
Other conditions

Smoking may be as the beginning of sleep, increase the risk of dental and fracture risk by altering the density of the bone cavities.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →