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Hearing: too many young people listen to music in amplified

Too many young people aged 15 to 19 years listening to music in an amplified manner, according to a survey called "Down with the sound levels", conducted from February 9 to 14, 2006 among 1,000 young people aged 15 to 30 years and presented in Paris during the National Day of Hearing
Teenagers and music
Just over half of those surveyed listen to music on a Walkman, one of five states that do daily. It is mainly young men aged 15 to 19 years. They are still 45% say never listen to music that way.
Nearly two-thirds say that they listen to music or average normal power. For a little less than one in three, the portable music is listened to a power greater than considered normal, especially for 7% of them at a level considered very strong.
However, listening to music on stereo is more common than player. Indeed, they are only one of 10 to declare never listen to music on stereo against nearly 5 out of 10 for the player. Moreover, they are 45% to listen daily to music on their stereo and it is the 15/19 year olds who are primarily concerned.
In addition, seven out of 10 youth surveyed say that they listen to music on stereo at normal or low power and a quarter to a power considered above average (one of 30 high-power, mainly 15/19 years ).
By car, 7 out of 10 young think listening to music at a power as normal or low power for less than one in 10, but almost 20% high or very high power.
Underestimated risk of hearing
Hearing more or less long-term risk to be underestimated by the survey population. In fact, among the young people who attend concerts (781 in total), the use of hearing protection does not seem to come in manners and is performed by a young of 13.
However, 6 out of 10 youth have experienced unrest or effects on their hearing at the end of a concert or a disco (n = 946), while they are nearly 7 out of 10 do not use hearing protection.

However, 99% of them know that the music listened to too much power can damage their hearing and therefore, 7 out of 10 youth have already control their hearing, or even several opportunities for almost 5 out of 10. The 15/19 years, however, seem to have been less well controlled. The last hearing test date more than a year for about 6 in 10 young people. 2 to 10 young people, it was made for less than 6 months.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →