Hepatitis B and C: efforts to provide for the prevention of at-risk individuals
The national program against hepatitis B and C calls for enhanced prevention and coverage for people at risk, said Dr. Pierre Czernichow at a symposium held at the Ministry of Health.
Control actions
Pierre Czernichow, Rouen University Hospital, Group Leader "indicators for monitoring and evaluation" within the Strategic Committee of the National Viral Hepatitis program outlined the program of action, considered by the Minister of Health and Director General of Health (DGS) to develop a "national public health program for five years."
The Health Minister, Xavier Bertrand, was presented actions against hepatitis B and C based on proposals made by the strategic committee of the national program on viral hepatitis.
Strengthen Home drug users device
The action plan proposes to "strengthen the prevention and home and support for drug users device." It aims to inform more than 60% of drug users and a 30% share of "small items" through information materials from the National Institute for Prevention and Health Education (INPE).
It is also recommended to encourage drug users to search, without any goal or condition is specified.
Pierre Czernichow also expected that an additional 35,000 people receive substitution treatment with methadone. It appears, in fact, that patients who receive this treatment more often avoid the risk of contamination associated with the injection and are more responsive to the need to seek treatment and to carefully observe their treatment when they are contaminated by the committee.
According Bouchara-Recordati, which commercialie product developed by the Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), 25,000 people are on methadone in France.
The action program will further reduce the incidence of third risks of injection, developing "information and educational projects."
Improve vaccination coverage against hepatitis B
The program of action plans to improve vaccination coverage against hepatitis B in persons as "risky".
The committee has set a target of more than 70% of people vaccinated in people exposed to sexual transmission, drug users, prisoners, health professionals.
It was also recommended to "better identify pregnant women and their newborns vaccinated" with a goal of covering more than 95%.
A good practice guide
Pierre Czernichow announced the publication of a "good practice guide" formed by the High Authority for Health (HAS) on the way "who does what?" .
The committee also proposed the form of a "kit" of professional training and a study to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the "coordinated care pathways" by Xavier Bertrand announced so that patients of chronic hepatitis C are mostly supported by city

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →