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Heroin and pregnancy

The use of this drug can have serious consequences for both the woman and the fetus.
The usual heroin can cause amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea which may delay the diagnosis of pregnancy.
This can cause an abortion impossible if the legal time is exceeded.
The obstetrical care is delayed.
Spontaneous abortion was observed in 15-30% of cases.
Preterm delivery in 20 to 50% of you.
It is noted at birth the high incidence of breech presentation.
The amniotic fluid is often tinged evidence of fetal distress.
The work is often accelerated.
Growth retardation was noted in 30% of cases.
Maternal weaning can cause withdrawal of the fetus with fetal agitation, increased catecholamines in amniotic fluid.
Fetal death in utero is quite common.
The newborn is the bearer of birth and SGA.
The risk of perinatal mortality is multiplied by 2 to 3.
All these drawbacks are increased by taking associated with alcohol and especially tobacco


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →