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High cholesterol: how to react?

Cholesterol in the blood is often a major concern for most of us. A simple change in habits and lifestyle would be enough to lower high cholesterol. The use of drugs is only for those who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Here are our tips.
Cholesterol is a lipid that the body uses to perform several functions. It is involved in the cell structure of the body, as well as in the synthesis of various hormones in the body. The vast majority of cholesterol metabolism and results from processing fat from food.

Cholesterol in the blood is measured after taking a blood sample, the patient should be fasting.

Cholesterol of an individual is assessed on his health, and existence of factors for cardiovascular risk. These factors include age, sex, physical inactivity, smoking, hypertension, obesity, the existence of a personal or family history of cardiovascular disease vasculaires.Les people with one or more of these factors risk must always pay attention to their cholesterol.

The increase in cholesterol in the blood is mainly due to a diet rich in fats of animal origin. There are also factors or lifestyle habits that contribute to its increase as smoking, physical inactivity, obesity. A genetic factor is also involved in cases of familial hypercholesterolemia.

Some diseases may also be linked to a high cholesterol such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, certain liver or kidney disease. An increase in cholesterol leads to adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and can lead to heart disease.

If elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, taking serious medical treatment is recommended to prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease. High cholesterol may need medical treatment if the patient has risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

However, a change of lifestyle and a healthy diet is the first step and is usually enough to reduce blood cholesterol. It is sometimes necessary to take advice from a doctor dietician nutritionist.

Our tips

Maintain a healthy weight respecting the body mass index

Avoid or limit high-fat foods of animal origin; preferred fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds

Avoid or limit foods high in sugar and salt

Limit alcohol consumption

Avoid smoking

Practicing daily and regular exercise, walking for 30 minutes a day is highly recommended

Check your blood pressure and initiate a proper management in cases of hypertension.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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