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Impact of smoking on health

Everyone is experiencing the adverse effects of nicotine vis-à-vis the organization.
Complications tobacco appear after 20 to 30 years of use.
The addiction to tobacco does not present specific symptoms because its diagnostic criteria are included in the addiction criteria established by Goodman. However, some significant signs smokers are:
Treatment of smoking
The first approach in the treatment of tobacco addiction is psychological counseling.
Drug treatments are mainly based on products nicotine replacement (gum, patch, sublingual tablet or inhaler).
Their use and effectiveness are conditioned by the dependence of the subject. Their administration requires medical monitoring of pregnant women and individuals with heart disease.
Currently, there is another drug called Champix, which also aid to smoking cessation. This drug does not produce nicotine but reduces signs of withdrawal by mimicking the effects of nicotine and reduces the sensation of pleasure brought by nicotine.
Antidepressants are sometimes prescribed by doctors during withdrawal.
The side effects of drugs are mainly characterized by nausea, headache, vomiting, flatulence (gas in the stomach), insomnia. Other patients even talk of changing the perception of taste.
Other therapeutic methods have also brought their fruit such as homeopathy and acupuncture.
The maturational psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are significantly effective.
Smoking prevention
Several countries have taken steps to fight against smoking, including higher taxes on tobacco, which causes an increase in tobacco prices. The adoption of this policy was the cause of a decrease in sales of tobacco and has proven effective for many countries.
Awareness campaigns, communication, information and education are also necessary and useful in the fight against smoking.

In addition, the World Health Organization has required the use of warnings to be shown on cigarette packages. These warnings expose the harm caused by tobacco, and can contribute to a change in consumer behavior.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →