Loss of taste: what are the possible causes?
Loss of taste is a lesser known condition and yet creates a discomfort to the patient. The causes are many and extremely research these causes requires a thorough investigation and examination by the physician. Diagnosis rather difficult ...
Loss of taste (also called paragueusie) is a disorder or altered sense of taste in the taste buds, it is a less common condition that impaired olfactory function. We're talking about taste loss when the loss is total and for all tastes, a partial loss is hypoagueusie and can be selective (sweet, salty, sour and bitter).
Loss of taste is often associated with a loss of smell.
Several factors can cause a change of taste. The mechanism of the majority of these cases is related to nerve damage taste buds:
- Nerve disorders: injury glossopharyngeal nerve (tumor), facial nerve paralysis, impaired chorda tympani
- Aging
- Infections of the upper respiratory tract
- ENT infections: otitis, sinusitis, conditions of the amygdala
- Disorders or infections inside the mouth and teeth, stomatitis, dental caries, periodontal disease, poor oral hygiene, oral thrush, an infection of the tongue (thrush, candidiasis), infection of the salivary glands
- Dentures
- Smoking, alcohol (substances that alter the taste buds)
- Some treatments: antibiotics, chemotherapy or radiotherapy of the mouth or pharynx, angiotensin converting enzyme (used in the treatment of hypertension)
- Some systemic diseases: cancer (brain cancer of the mouth), diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, psychiatric problems, Sjögren's syndrome
- Some chemicals: insecticides, pesticides
- Diseases of the stomach burns the stomach, gastroesophageal reflux
- Vitamin B12 and zinc
Treatment of loss of taste is based on treating the causes: health and dental care, smoking cessation and alcohol, proper treatment of infections ...
Thus, the loss of taste is therefore a sign to many diseases. When the cause or underlying disease is diagnosed, treatment can be initiated.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →