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New tobacco cessation treatment

Since 2001-09-17 a new treatment for smoking cessation is available in pharmacies.
This is Bupropion (Zyban).
This is the first oral specialty without nicotine aid to smoking cessation.
It starts with one tablet per day for 6 days and then switch to twice daily in two divided doses every 8 hours. this for 7-9 weeks.
The tablets are dosed at 150 mg.
Stopping smoking takes place during the second week of treatment.
This medicine is not reimbursed by Social Security (about 85 Euro for 60 tablets).
Medical monitoring is required because of the side effects are possible, although rare (insomnia, tremor, dry mouth, headache, nausea, vomiting).
It is cons-indicated in cases of previous seizures, epilepsy.
And prescription should be used with caution in elderly patients and hepatic and renal impairment.
It can not be prescribed to patients taking certain antidepressants (this drug is used for a decade in the United States as an antidepressant).
A prescription is required for the issue of Pharmacy. (This medicine may cause an increase in blood PresSsion).
The anti-smoking patch may be associated with this treatment.
In 2007 a new treatment should obtain authorization for placing on the market.
This is the champix (varenicline).
It should be sold in mid-2007 Férier.
In twelve weeks this drug helps in two cases to obtain final judgment of tobacco.
The dose is one 0.5 mg tablet for three days and two 0.5 mg tablets for the next four days then two tablets of 1 mg per day until the end of treatment (12 weeks).
A second course of 12 weeks may sometimes be considered or a very gradual cessation of taking this medication.

The active ingredient of the drug binds to some niocotiniques receptor and by relieving withdrawal symptoms but is also taking the place of nicotine that reduces the pleasurable effects of smoking.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →