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One in ten is engaged in "binge drinking"

One in ten is engaged in "binge drinking", a practice of consuming alcohol in order to be drunk that is particularly rife among young people, according to a Eurobarometer survey.
34% of Irish people have subscribed to "express bun"
The definition used in this survey of binge drinking, which the European Commission translated into French by "express bun" or "alcohol stoned" is consuming at least five drinks in one evening.
The proportion of Europeans engaged in this practice, similar to that observed in 2003, is particularly high among young people. Nearly one in five Europeans (19%) in the age group 15-24 years is customary to express the bun, warns the European Commission.
The Irish are the most familiar of alcohol trapping (34%), followed by Finland (27%), British (24%) and Denmark (23%) Europeans. In contrast, go south to find patterns of sobriety, with only 2% of Italy and Greece and 4% of Portuguese respondents regularly engaged in this practice.
Generally, the number of men who consume alcohol is higher than that of women: 84% of male respondents reported having consumed alcohol in the previous year, against 68% of women surveyed.
The survey shows that the price of alcoholic beverages does not significantly influence consumption patterns. Thus, 62% of respondents said they would not buy less alcohol if its price increased by 25%.
Young people are more price-sensitive. Thus, 44% of young respondents said they would buy less alcohol if its price increased by 25%.
Moreover, 68% of Europeans believe that a price increase would not deter the young and the "heavy drinkers."
77% warnings on bottles
In addition, 77% of Europeans who participated in the survey say they agree that the warnings listed on the bottles and advertising of alcoholic beverages in order to warn pregnant women and drivers of vehicles the dangers of alcohol .
They are 76% to approve a ban on advertising of alcohol for youth.

It is estimated that excessive consumption and misuse of alcohol are responsible for 195,000 deaths per year in the EU. Among young men aged 15 to 29 years, one in four deaths is due to alcohol consumption.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →