Obesity increases the risk of breast cancer
Obesity appears more important to breast cancer hormone therapy, said Dr. Juliane Berdah gynecologist-endocrinologist (Necker Hospital, Paris), at a press conference in Paris on the theme of risk factor " Women form (s) after 45 years. "
Among the concerns of women 40 to 45 years, the weight and shape are important. "It is true, said the expert, which is bigger and more that in France, as in the United States, an epidemic of obesity. An epidemiological study conducted in 2003 shows that in our country 40 % of the population is overweight or obese. At this rate, the obesity rate will reach that observed in the U.S. in 15 years. "
However, she said, obesity is not an aesthetic problem because it also has health consequences. "It is defined by the ratio of the weight of the square of the size known as body mass index (BMI). When it becomes greater than 25, then we talk about overweight and mortality begins to increase. Beyond 30, obesity is installed and even higher mortality, "said Dr. Berdah.
But, she says, the more weight is waist which requires that the woman approaching menopause, should be concerned. "A simple tape measure enough: all women should regularly measure their waist rather than weigh."
Obese women, the risk of developing breast cancer after menopause thus amounts between 30 and 50%.
"In addition, obesity is an independent risk factor for breast cancer without any hormone replacement therapy: a BMI between 30 and 35 increases the risk by 1.63, a BMI between 35 and 39.5 multiplies the risk by 1.70 and a BMI over 40 by 2.12 "illustrates the gynecologist.
Thus, she says, "there is much talk of the risk of breast cancer associated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but underestimates the fact that obesity may be a more important risk factor."
In addition, obesity leads to other health consequences, such as increasing the risk of thromboembolism (blood clots, pulmonary embolism), especially in women on HRT.

Author: Mohammad
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