The declaration of sciatica as an occupational disease is not always to the benefit of the patient
The declaration of sciatica as an occupational disease is not always to the benefit of the patient, according to health experts at work who make a point of information in "The Journal of rheumatism"
Low back pain and lomboradiculalgies represent the first case of incapacity to work and disability before age 45 in France. This situation has led the authorities to create two tables in 1999 and occupational diseases in the general social security scheme restricted to lomboradiculalgies by herniated disc caused by vibrations transmitted to the whole body or the manual handling of heavy loads.
In principle, compensation for occupational disease offers many benefits to employees including, firstly, better management of work stoppages, free health care and measures to protect employment obligation with outplacement. Paradoxically, the statistics show that health insurance is not always the case, the authors point out exercising the University Hospital of Tours and Angers.
"Financial Statistics show that social security compensation occupational disease lomboradiculalgies under Table 98 is not financially compensated for lost wages in the event of dismissal and lack of probable return to employment in the medium term. In this case, the compensation occupational disease is often less attractive in financial terms as an invalid in the context of ordinary disease, "they said.
"The remedy is far from full compensation," they conclude, prompting doctors to considerable judgment on the subject.
The companies most concerned offer very few opportunities for vocational rehabilitation, they said. They involve particular occupations masons, agents industry production, delivery driver, handlers, carpenters, warehousemen, roofers and boners.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →