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Some laboratory tests are needed to monitor the medical elite athlete

Some laboratory tests are essential to medical monitoring of high-level athlete, said Drs Maurice Vrillac, President of the Medical Commission of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) and Alain Astié, pharmacist biologist, during a roundtable in Paris on the "benefits of sport for health" by CNOSF.
Tracking a top athlete must meet four objectives, estimated the two speakers: diagnose any pathology analyze the pathophysiological impact of intense sports, check the relevance of the training; partially detect illegal practices preparation.
A series of blood tests are usually offered and declined by Drs Vrillac and Astié:
1 / Complete blood count (CBC)
It is essential because it reflects the overall physiology and can diagnose hemolytic anomalies, deficiency and inflammatory or infections. It is associated with a reticulocyte count must be within 8 hours of collection otherwise erroneous results.
2 / ESR and CRP
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) may reflect a chronic inflammatory condition but not specific. C-reactive protein (CRP), also a marker of inflammation, rather determines an acute inflammatory condition and can be seen during an intolerance to the amount of training.
3 / Uric Acid
This assay allows very common among top athletes, and thus prevent certain consequences, such as muscle, joint and tendon injuries screening potential of hyperuricemia. It is also a reflection of the power of sport, especially if high-protein supplementation. Rate also varies according to a possible dewatering. It is primarily a marker of intolerance training.
4 / Urea and creatinine
These two parameters reflect the state of renal function. A hyperuremia is common among athletes who forget to hydrate properly throughout the season. Despite the peer pressure, the athlete usually does not drink enough after competitions and thus has increased urea levels are responsible for any injury.
5 / Sodium and potassium
This is interesting, especially in the weight class athletes, who may have to take diuretics to lose weight, which can cause very serious hypokalaemia with muscle and heart risks. Regarding sodium dosage is recommended during competitions in hot climates can induce an increase in serum sodium.
6 / Cholesterol and triglycerides
Their dosage can detect difficult to regress family hyperlipemia. They can lead to ask the athlete to change his diet. In women, cholesterol levels should be monitored once a year in case of estroprogestatifs taken.
7 / glucose
This parameter is essential for the sport: it can vary during the next day that one is before or after the competition and according to nutrition. Hypoglycemia severely limits the ability of the athlete.
8 / enzymatic Review
Enzymes GOT, GPT, CPK and LDH muscle or liver represent important markers of cardiac pathologies. The first three objectify overtraining and should impose a resting phase, their elevation is predictive of serious injury. In addition, a high LDH associated with leukocytosis allows the diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease, increasingly seen in young athletes and adolescents. Note that the KPC must be made at least 36 hours after the end of the competition and the athletes are black much higher normal rates.
9 / erythrocyte Magnesium
Measured regularly, it appears that 30 to 45% of athletes suffer from magnesium deficiency, most often linked to the distribution of magnesium intra-and extra-cellular. This hypomagnesemia may be the cause of anxiety problems, neuromuscular recovery and cramps, as well as sleep disorders. Also, keep in mind that sweat loss leads to decreased levels of magnesium in intensive training phase, normal nutrition will struggle to afford maintaining the rate of Mg.
10 / iron and ferritin
These two compounds are associated in the diagnosis of anemia of sports, both iron deficiency qu'hémolytique. Phases of competition are indeed responsible for a decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin up to 2 points. However, iron supplements can cause serious problems, overload hemochromatosis ferritin indicating characteristic abnormality of some sports like cycling.
11 / Cortisol
Parameter widely used in the sports world to assess intolerance drive its sampling time is still very important for a correct interpretation. It must be a function of the alarm time (1h after 1:30). A collapsed cortisol indicates a corticosteroid use, whereas hypercortisolemia reflects a general stress.
12 / Testosterone
Research often associated with cortisol, a collapsed rate allows detection of doping. The testosterone levels drop physiologically with training volume, which does not necessarily mean that there is overtraining.
13 / hepatic serology
Athletes travel a lot, a profile of hepatic serology is therefore vital, both to ensure their immune system and in the early diagnosis of hepatitis C.
According to Dr. Astié the biological assessment is a set of objectives that reassure the sportsman on a possible drop in performance criteria.

"Such a review should lead to a direct practical application, for example, in terms of training. It can establish ranges optimized recovery. Therefore, it should never be prescribed randomly in the year, but still according to the objectives of the sport or team, "he says.


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Author: Mohammad
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