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An electronic ally to support smoking cessation

The National Institute for Prevention and Health Education (INPE) has launched a website aimed at smokers who are considering starting a process of smoking cessation.
The site, accessible at was "designed by experts in tobacco mandated by the Ministry of Health and Solidarity" and "is intended primarily for smoking being in a process of quitting smoking, but also to all people looking for information, "said INPE in a statement.
Four categories are accessible from the home page, depending on the profile of the user who seeks information and its location in relation to tobacco: "I hesitate to stop," for smokers who begin to consider initiating a process of smoking cessation, "Quit", for people who decided to quit; "I want good" for those who have already stopped but fear of cracking and finally "I want to help a loved one" , for people who intend to help a member of their family to stop smoking.
Each section meets advice tailored to each situation written by specialists, various useful tools to analyze its relation to tobacco (test the level of dependency, test the level of motivation to quit ...), all of which are punctuated by regular encouragement.
A dynamic and interactive approach to stop support service is also available to users who want it. The "My Coach" makes it possible to subscribe to a free coaching service by e-mail, which accompanies smoking throughout their approach to smoking cessation, preparing the way to act, "for prepare their arrest and to encourage and motivate them, "said INPE. Emails (whose frequency can be changed by the user himself) provide "information, tips, tricks and fun exercises (dependence test, motivational scale, small relaxation exercises ...)."
A space for health professionals wishing to support and encourage smokers to stop their approach proposes a model of intervention, downloadable tools, links to more comprehensive information sites, and a directory of centers smoking cessation and training centers in tobacco.
Finally, the last page for businesses should eventually offer consultation and downloading recommendations and practical tools "to move towards a life without tobacco".

This service complements the helpline Tabac Info Service (0.825.309.310, open Monday to Saturday from 8am to 20h for 0.15 euros / min), at which tobaccologists answer questions from candidates to stop and advise.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →