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Pregnancy and alcohol: information tools for professionals and the public

Different information about the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy tools are now available for professional medical social world and the general public, told Reuters Health Laure Gratias, journalist and author of a book and a documentary about the dangers of alcohol to the child during pregnancy.
Specific content and based
"Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) affect 1% of children." It is this figure that struck Laure Gratias, freelance journalist, then she discovered, in 2002, the information on the website of the Association québécoise SAFERA, which will lead to a survey on the subject and a documentary * 2004 ** and a book in collaboration with Dr. Maurice Titran. The film aired on France 2 in 2004, received the 2005 Media Award from the Foundation for Children. "Three specialists of the question (Dr Lamblin Titran Dr. and Dr. Dehaene) will address the medical aspects, while interviews with two mothers of children with and sequences in situations with these children to better understand what forms can take the effects of prenatal "Alcohol says Laure Gratias.
"At the beginning of my investigation, the doctors involved on the subject were very surprised to see a journalist interested. The subject was then almost absent in the media and unknown to the public," said the journalist Reuters Health. During its investigation, the reporter was particularly shocked by the story of several mothers of children with FAS saying their gynecologist had assured them a glass of wine per meal during pregnancy was not a problem!
"In their defense, doctors have little or no training on the risks of alcohol, but there is also a problem of mentality," admits Laura Gratias.
But FAS is the leading cause of mental retardation in children of non-genetic origin and affect between 1.3 and 3.5 per 1,000 births per year, especially at the Meeting, in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Brittany. The severe form of FAS, linked to high alcohol consumption during pregnancy (at least 3 glasses a day) causes malformations of internal organs, delayed growth and development up to and mental handicap and is a third of cases. The mildest form resulting from low alcohol intake (1-2 drinks per day) may cause behavioral and learning in children, difficult to diagnose because they occur at the age of 3-4 years.
Behavioral and academic failure
"Some of these undiagnosed children end up in school failure and may be considered rude or ill will by their relatives or teachers," said Laure Gratias. "American studies suggest that some of the problems of crime and school failure could be the consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy," she added.
An estimated 31% of women consume alcohol during pregnancy which have a 5% risk consumption of more than two drinks per day.
Through the work of doctors, investigation of journalist at the opening of a preliminary investigation by the Deputy Attorney Republic of Lille in 2004, and the support of the former health minister, Philippe Douste- Blazy, information on the risks of alcohol for pregnant women has been more widely reported in the media. "At the national level, training for professionals as well as public information campaigns in schools will soon be implemented. Decree implementing the Law on the labeling of alcoholic beverages is also expected," said Laure Gratias.
The journalist said that "everyone is concerned about the risks associated with alcohol during pregnancy, the pregnant woman but also her entourage which sometimes tends to minimize the risk," she says. "Any alcohol consumption is taking a risk even if the risk turns varies from women and children. A glass of beer, wine and whiskey all contain the same amount of ethanol and proved equally dangerous" , she also recalls.
Laure Gratias also stressed the importance of developing networks of professionals (doctors, social workers, teachers, youth courts), on the model of the set up on the island of Reunion. Dissemination of information on FAS and the risks of alcohol always proves valid, in order to "educate people about this disease 100% preventable." Since the beginning of the commercialization of the DVD, the journalist received 200 applications from professionals.
* "To Your Health!" To raise awareness of the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy, Dr. Maurice Laure Titran and Gratias, a book published by Albin Michel (17 euros).
** Documentary DVD "Babies alcohol" Laure Gratias, available on request from: laure.gratias @ (50 euros).

*** The National Association for the Prevention of Alcoholism (ANPA, Lille) also publishes a comprehensive publication, "Alcohol, pregnancy and women's health", which is aimed at health professionals, education and social. Order from the ANPA 59.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →