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Relapse, an almost obligatory step in the process of smoking cessation

The group of doctors Allies engaged in aid to smoking cessation, has launched a focus on addiction and relapse information campaign, an almost mandatory part of the shutdown process it is important to dramatize achieve success.
Multidisciplinary Association, composed of general practitioners, gynecologists, pulmonologists, cardiologists, tobaccologists ... Allies is given missions to educate and mobilize health professionals to motivate smokers to stop smoking and encourage smokers to call a doctor.
On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, the association launched a large public campaign on tobacco dependence and relapse, to exonerate the smokers who do not succeed the first time to end the tobacco.
By highlighting the role of physicians and training them to support smoking cessation, and helping smokers to identify situations where the use of a health professional is useful allies hope to regress smoking.
"Smoking is an addiction that is a chronic disorder in which the withdrawal is punctuated by relapses need to dramatize. They learn to smoking risk situations and effective strategies," said Dr. Henri-Jean Aubin, Centre treatment of addiction to Emile Roux hospital Limeil-Brévannes at a press conference organized.
Without medical support, only 5% of smokers who try to quit succeed one year. Treatment recognized in France (nicotine replacement therapy, antidepressant in smoking cessation, cognitive-behavioral therapy) double the chances of success when taken individually, and can even further enhance these opportunities are associated.
Similarly, at 6 months, the abstinence rate with no support is 10%, it is 15% with a paramedical support and 20% with medical support, "without taking medication," he said Dr. Aubin.
The causes of relapse are known, they are often multiple and intrinsic, he said, citing the lack of motivation, compulsive desire and a variety of triggering situations (after food, alcohol, coffee, smokers, emotions negative ...). Identify can anticipate and cope.
"As the number of attempts, the higher the chances of success are important for the current attempt," he said, describing the stages of relapse and not failures in the smoking cessation process. For Professor François Lebargy, pulmonologist at the University Hospital of Reims, "relapse may be provided, prepared and supported when failure is imminent."
Two infomercials, one of dependence, on the other relapse, are distributed mainly in women's magazines. Because "women are receiving" and "are the focus of tomorrow." It seems they also have
more difficulties than men to quit and relapse easily. The spectrum of taking the weight would be the major obstacle to the success of their arrest.

Meanwhile, a website ( offers brochures, commented articles, addresses tabacologiques consultations throughout the country and Internet links to other sites on tobacco.


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Author: Mohammad
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