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"Sexuality and smoking" Take a Survey

Studying the effect of smoking on sexual function
Whether you're smoking, you come to stop or even that you never started, you can participate in this survey. There are two requirements: be over 18 years old and agree to answer questions about his personal and sexual life.

The objective of this study is to analyze and understand the effects that can have smoking cessation on sexuality.

Smoking may reduce the blood flow and causes impotence
This warning message is now on packs of cigarettes. In fact, smoking increases the risk of impotence in men and its mechanism of action is known. Nicotine substance in cigarette smoke is the cause of erectile dysfunction because it causes arterial spasm. The contraction of the arteries causes a rush of blood insufficient to allow a full erection of the penis. Female sexuality is also affected by smoking: the effect of nicotine results in a decrease in vaginal lubrication can cause painful intercourse.

Search 2000 participants
The authors of this study hope the participation of 2,000 people. Begun in May 2011, this survey includes an initial questionnaire available on the website and three follow-up questionnaires that will be sent in a timely participants. This survey will be completed in December 2013


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →