States General of alcohol: a need for information and support for patients
The Convention of alcohol have found a need for information about alcohol and capacity supported patients.
Much remains to be
The synthesis of the States General was presented by 22 members of the citizens' juries, representing all regions, during a day of restitution, held at the Grande Arche de la Defense. The Health Minister, Xavier Bertrand, closed the day by announcing some initiatives incorporating some recommendations.
The jury asked for a financial commitment for all structures support and assistance, mutual aid associations, addiction treatment centers and hospitals as well as better communication services on existing structures.
They insisted on improving information on alcoholic beverages, with a "more meaningful labeling" an obligation "to include the composition units of alcohol rather than a percentage" and a display, including the drinking, the consumption thresholds at risk and tables of equivalence between each drink (beer, wine, digestive), taking into account regional specificities (rum in the overseas departments).
The equivalence of alcohol a 10 cl glass of wine, 25 cl of beer and digestive 3cl is not sufficiently well known or understood, they said.
Emphasis should be placed on targeted information especially to pregnant women on fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Several regions suggested to affix a pictogram on pregnancy tests, to strengthen the labeling on packaging.
On screening, debates have emerged a demand for training of school physicians and occupational physicians and, more generally, a better disseminated information on the workplace (to include the addresses of the clinics on panels display, for example) and better coordination between GPs, doctors, social workers and clinicians.
In the judicial context, jurors witnessed a demand for greater use of treatment orders, for which psychological, social and medical assistance should be more important.
Citizens juries have also issued recommendations for a change in the attitude of society on alcohol for their deculpabilisation for taking more serene load (without fear of losing his job when an occupational physician the mark), but also, conversely, the non-drinkers, to assert that "we can have fun without alcohol."
Identify alcohol at work
The Minister of Health has given its support to specific training on alcohol at work for the early identification of problematic consumption and desired engagement with the Ministries of Social Affairs and Labour and the social partners in a dialogue on prevention of alcoholism in the workplace.
This opportunity could help rewrite obsolete sections of the Labour Code, including those indicating that it is forbidden in the business of alcohol, "but mead and wine."
On the management pane, Xavier Bertrand recalled the measures taken in the addictions plan on building structures and early detection.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →