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The rapid HIV test offered by GPs

The use of rapid tests for HIV is extended to all providers, including GPs, to generalize the screening the entire population, said Professor Gilles Pialoux, chief of infectious diseases Tenon Hospital, during a press conference in Paris.

Rapid HIV tests allow, from a drop of blood from the fingertip to know their HIV status in less than five minutes. These tests are considered as a means of reforming the screening and reduce the number of people unaware of their HIV status (estimated at 50,000 in France), one of the key objectives of the AIDS Plan 2010-2014.

According to an order, these tests are allowed after an accidental exposure to blood or sexual or suggestive to acute pathology of AIDS stage, during childbirth (when the woman of unknown HIV status or has been exposed to risk since the last screening) or to administer as soon as a preventive treatment of mother to child transmission.

Beyond these four emergency situations, the use of rapid tests will be expanded on the subject, which should lead to a "trivialization of screening," said Gilles Pialoux. The tests can then be used in anonymous testing centers and free (CDAG), as well as the entire system of care, including GPs and emergency departments.

Anyone aged 15 to 70 years may request a screening doctor who will also be encouraged to suggest to his patients. The aim is not only to reduce the number of people with HIV are unaware of their infection, but also to regress delays in diagnosis and therapeutic management, and therefore reduce the risk of transmission.

Until now, "nearly 50% of diagnoses of HIV infection are late diagnosis, an unacceptable level due to limited access to screening," said infectious disease specialist before discussing the too frequent cases of people which is offered testing because of clinical signs of a highly depressed immunity. For those living with HIV, it is a lost opportunity to receive effective treatment.

"Early detection will also reduce the rate of people, estimated at 20%, is not returning for their results a week after a levy in the CDAG," said Gilles Pialoux.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →