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What is the treatment of Parkinson's disease?

Is there a cure Parkinson's disease? The answer to this question is often unexpected and feared. It is a daily struggle for the patient, and an endless struggle for physicians. But what are the treatments and how to do in case of Parkinson's disease?


Parkinson's disease is a chronic disease and slow evolution. Drug treatments can only lessen the signs, but does not cure the disease. New signs may still appear despite the initiation of drug treatment, so it is necessary to adjust the dose or the rhythms of drug taken.

The choice of drugs depends primarily on several conditions such as the patient's age, lifestyle, signs of disease progression, daily activities, ... The treatment protocol is customized. Medical treatment is often started when the signs begin to interfere with the patient's daily life.

The drugs used act on the brain, or by initiating the production of dopamine, or imitating the activities of dopamine or by reducing the destruction of dopamine in protecting healthy cells. The most prescribed drugs are Levodopa or L-dopa, dopamine agonists, inhibitors of monoamine oxidase B.

L-Dopa is a precursor of dopamine, it is the drug most commonly used. This molecule acts directly in the brain to be converted into dopamine to help control movement by the patient. Drowsiness is a common side effect of this drug. It is often administered with inhibitors of catechol O-methyltransferase, a molecule that facilitates and increases its effectiveness.

Medication administration is usually done gradually and in small doses to avoid any intolerance in the patient.

Some cases of Parkinson's disease in young patients may require anticholinergic which aim to reduce the signs of tremors for.

At an earlier stage of the disease, the neurologist prescribed amantadine.

Sometimes the doctor recommends a deep brain stimulation or cortical stimulation. This is neurosurgical methods of issuing high frequency waves from electrodes placed in the brain. These methods are essentially indicated in rebel drug forms or when complications caused by L-dopa.

These drug treatments are usually associated with physical therapy or physical therapy to improve movement. Indeed, the practice of physical exercise and functional rehabilitation is important in learning and coordination.

It is sometimes recommended to develop his home to facilitate movement and travel safe during daily activities.

In case of language disorders, speech therapy may be prescribed by the neurologist.

Our tips

Management of Parkinson's disease requires significant involvement of the patient with a change in lifestyle, which must be adapted to the disease.

- Engaging in regular physical exercises to improve balance and body movements. Walking and swimming are the most recommended

- Managing stress through various relaxation techniques such as yoga, massage, tai chi ...

- Prevent falls and injuries. This often requires help from a therapist or physiotherapist in walking exercises and movement. It is also advisable to use carpets, support systems, ramps, flexible and non-slip shoes, ...

- Provide a varied diet, emphasizing foods rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The consumption of foods rich in fats should be limited. Adequate water consumption (about 1.5l per day) also prevents constipation.

- During swallowing disorders, it is advisable to pay attention to food intake.

- Do not hesitate to get help from a therapist, psychologist, or even a combination of support.

How to Prevent Parkinson's Disease?

The causes are unknown, methods of prevention of Parkinson's disease thus remain unclear. However, the researchers were able to conduct studies on the protective effect

- Products containing caffeine

- From tobacco (mainly nicotine). However, the risks associated with smoking are not negligible compared to the benefit ...


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →