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Tobacco reduction, a step towards the final stop smoking

Stopping smoking can, especially among heavy smokers through a step of reducing the number of cigarettes smoked accompanied by taking nicotine replacement strategy which should reconcile a number of smokers with the idea to finish definitely with cigarette
In an interview with Reuters Health, Dr. Beatrice Master, tobacco specialist, responsible for tobacco addiction unit of the University Hospital of Caen (Calvados), explains that in practice, the long tobaccologists opt for the strategy to reduce smoking as first step to a complete stop, rather than a total and sudden withdrawal may lead to failure.
"This is something we did for a long time, but what has changed [with the expansion of indications of certain nicotine replacement] is that we do it in a less intuitive, framed," said Will her.
Gone are the dogma of radical interruption, up to a smooth withdrawal. This approach is particularly aimed at "large" smoking stung by several unsuccessful attempts to stop or agonize the idea to stop smoking overnight.
Specifically, these candidates reduction can alternate the use of substitutes and cigarettes they allow smoking, respecting the maximum amount specified in the notice of substitute products.
The value of combining substitutes and cigarettes avoids the compensation phenomenon that is often observed when the quit attempt is not supported by the use of substitutes. In addition, by learning to manage their consumption of cigarettes, the candidate stopped regains confidence in his ability to control and the effectiveness of nicotine replacement therapy, which has the effect of mature motivation, says the smoking addiction.
But beware, the reduction is not an end in itself, it is part of the objective of preparing the judgment, said Dr Master, for whom this approach gives good results when properly followed.

In this regard, it urges GPs and pharmacists to become more involved in the management of smoking cessation, interviewing patients about their smoking and assessing their motivation to quit, and advising on the best strategies that are now possible.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →