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Tobacco smoking-related diseases

Tobacco smoke contains thousands of compounds, many of which are toxic and thirties who are carcinogenic.
It is what creates dependency:
- It causes vasoconstriction of the coronary arteries in a few seconds to inhale
- It accelerates the pulse
- It increases blood pressure and cardiac output.
- It increases blood levels of fatty acids and platelet adhesion (RISK OF ARTERIAL THROMBOSIS)
- It lowers the levels of estrogen which is responsible for early menopause and osteoporosis greater.
It is a psycho-active drugs.
They are potent carcinogens and mutagens (causing gene mutations of chromosomes).
They alter the DNA, causing mutations in particular gene P53 protein (PROTEIN INHIBITOR OF TUMOR IS THAT PROMOTES THE OCCURRENCE INHIBITION OF TUMOR).
These tars are involved in pulmonary paralysis treatment systems by damaging the pulmonary alveoli.
They fell by more effective immune system.
The gas (CO) damages the endothelium of arteries and promotes atherosclerosis and increases the coronary sclerosis because it generates hypoxia.
It is often responsible for heart attacks even in young especially during efforts.
You should know that each cigarette contains 12 mg of nicotine even if indicated 0.2 to 1 mg of each pack of cigarettes
Mild to normal cigarettes contain the same amount of nicotine and tar
- And coronary artery disease
From the first seconds of inhalation coronary spasm occurs
Tobacco causes a more severe atherosclerosis sometimes
All arteries can be achieved:
brain, lower, abdominal aorta and especially the members.
- Lung Diseases
And especially lung cancer (see THIS TERM)
- Other cancers
Bladder cancer.
kidney cancer.
head and neck cancer, esophageal cancer, (INTERACTION WITH ALCOHOL alot BREEDS THE OCCURRENCE OF THESE CANCERS)
- Effects on fertility
Spermatogenesis is reduced
impotence is more common
In women, reduced fertility
increased risk of miscarriage layer
lower birth weight of the child
- Other adverse effects

Tobacco alters the elastic fibers of the skin, the skin is wrinkled and smoky looks easily 10 to 15 years older than her actual age.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →