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What to do in case of insomnia?

Who has not known yet? Insomnia is not just a sleep disorder but also involves fatigue, stress, irritability ... A sleep problem is often very difficult to catch and impact on all day. Lifestyle, psychological factor, environment ... It is time to know what is behind insomnia and how to overcome it.
What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder. This sign is characterized by a lack of sleep, having an impact on the health status of an individual (disturbance of concentration, anxiety, ...) and disrupt the activities of the day (daytime sleepiness, fatigue). Insomnia can manifest

- Frequent awakenings

- Difficulty falling asleep

- An early wake

Insomnia may be only temporary and related to a specific and known circumstances (conflict, stress, ...) or may be chronic when it lasts longer (several nights a week for more than 1 month).

What are the causes of insomnia?

The causes of insomnia are many. It is more accurately factors that influence sleep and whose changes lead to sleep disturbances. These factors can be:

- Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, trauma, depression ...

- Environmental factors: light, noise, jet lag, too much heat ...

- Some diseases or conditions: sleep apnea, pain, respiratory problems, heart problems, restless legs ...

- The lifestyle: a long nap, a change of environment or environmental busy evening, excessive consumption of exciting drink (coffee or tea), consumption of drugs (eg cocaine), smoking

- Medications such as analgesics, decongestants, certain antidepressants, corticosteroids during long ...

The sleep problems are more common in women and people over 50 years.

Our tips

Prevention and treatment of insomnia depends essentially on the knowledge of causes. Chronic insomnia is often related to a way of life inadequate. It is therefore important to recognize and find all the factors that might alter the rhythm of sleep. These factors vary from one individual to another, a change in lifestyle or disease outbreaks must be taken into account.

- A regular exercise and daily few hours before bedtime at night would greatly improve the quality and duration of sleep. These physical exercises consist of the physical activity of mild or moderate intensity. These include stretching and walking.

- The conditions for a good sleep also involve a good mattress, proper lighting (not too light or too dark), ventilation, ambient temperature around de18 ° C, the absence of noise during the night,

- Meal times should be regular and a light meal in the evening is recommended and should not be too late to avoid a late digestion. Meals rich in carbohydrates and proteins are preferred in the evening.

- The consumption of stimulating foods should be avoided or limited (especially before bedtime), such as coffee, tea, chocolate ...

- Relaxation methods are sometimes necessary before bed (massage, yoga, music, hot bath ...)

- The hours of sunset and sunrise must be regular, so it is recommended that a regular sleep pattern

- Staying in bed too long, especially when we are awake is not advisable, and under the pretext of catching a bad sleep. It is also advisable to try to sleep, it is best to find other quiet activities until we really want to sleep.

- The siesta hours must be reduced

Some cases require the administration of sleeping pills (but only for a short period). However, medical advice is always useful before taking.

Psychotherapy can be recommended if psychiatric or psychological factors such as depression or severe stress.

The use of a specialist is required when

- Chronic insomnia despite taking sleeping pills hypnotic drugs

- Insomnia associated with chronic diseases requiring specific care

- Insomnia causing extreme fatigue, daytime sleepiness and impeding the activities of the day.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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