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allergic hypersensitivity

They are reproducible reactions associated with exposure to a particular stimulus that causes no reaction in a normal subject.
This sensitivity can be immediate, occurring within one hour after the introduction of the allergen (see this term) in a subject sensitized by IgE or IgG (see immunoglobulin) against the responsible allergen (major urticarial rash with intense pruritus).
It may be an anaphylactic shock (see this term) making unable to provide sufficient cardiac output and oxygen transport essential cardiovascular system.
This may be responsible for a first cell and organ may be responsible for the death by cardiac arrest dysfunction.
Respiratory signs are variables: dry cough, runny nose, swelling of the tongue and oropharynx,
Bronchospasm is possible causing anoxic cardiac arrest.
Vomiting are sometimes noted, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Visual disturbances are possible as well as seizures with vertigo and tinnitus.
Bites wasps or bees.
ThE beta-lactams, general anesthetics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, even aspirin.
Inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme, the iodinated contrast media, sera and vaccines
fish, eggs, peanuts, shellfish, nuts, strawberries, milk, exotic fruits, dyes, antioxidants, alcohol, chocolate.
Above all avoid the causative agent.
Call the ambulance is often essential.
The administration of adrenaline, cortisone, should be the domain of the physician.
Oxygen therapy is often necessary.

Antihistamines are common.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →