Allergy medications: take a picture of her skin
Take a picture of yourself is the
first thing to do if skin reaction to a drug, a process that will help the
allergist to be a good initial diagnosis and provide optimal care.
The drug allergy concern less than
ten French, according to an estimate based primarily on the statements of
individuals and not on the results of tests. Its reliability is questionable, said
Prof. Pascal Demoly (CH Montpellier), for which she is probably over-estimated.
Indeed, non-allergic side effects
can perfectly mimic an allergic reaction, causing patients to feel sensitive to
the drug absorbed and leading them to adopt a predatory conduct. This is the
case for example of cortisone, which can cause redness of the skin, or certain
antibiotics that cause photosensitivity reactions that do not have an allergic nature,
he cited as an example.
Therefore, it is essential to make
allergy tests in specialized areas, to determine with certainty whether or not
an allergy medication.
Very heterogeneous, allergic
reactions to drugs primarily concern the skin and occur mostly in hives, but
can sometimes take the form of edema of the eyelids, of angioedema or small buttons
scattered throughout body.
Faced with a skin reaction, the
Montpellier specialist recommends taking a photo of his skin, thereby avoiding
subsequent to the allergist who take care of the patient to wander from a
diagnostic standpoint. The interruption of the drug in question must be
immediate. Emergency treatment based on corticosteroids and antihistamines, and
in the case of immediate reactions, adrenaline.
The drugs most often by patients
suspected of being responsible for a penicillin allergy (35% of applications)
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (22%) and anesthetics (6%). The concern
about generics for the simple reason that they are a copy is, however,
unfounded, unless be allergic to any of the excipients which differ from the
original product, which is very rare, says Dr. Demoly.
For the latter, if known allergy, it
is better to have a list of products that can be taken rather than a list of
those to avoid them being brought to disappear or be replaced by new drugs.
It also recommends to make his
allergy, especially in case of hospitalization, and check medications that are

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →