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Allergy Prevention: What precautions should I take?

Despite the often-contradictory and still-inadequate results of studies examining the effectiveness of different strategies to prevent the onset of allergies to certain precautions can prevent the development of such disorders in children at risk, said Thursday Dr. Fabienne Rance, a pediatrician and pulmonologist practicing in Toulouse University Hospital.
There are three forms of prevention, she said. Primary prevention aims to prevent the development of sensitization to allergens in newborns healthy at least one parent, brother or sister, has atopy, that is to say, a predisposition to develop reactions allergic.

Secondary prevention concerns about her children already sensitized to an allergen, and is home to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, with an elimination diet, desensitization and / or pharmacological treatment.

Finally, tertiary prevention aims to reduce the "allergic march" in a child with an allergy proven to prevent relapses and complications.

Experts indicate by this expression is that with age, the manifestations of allergy change and often evolve into more serious forms. Thus, the infant is more prone to food allergies, which is most often manifested by gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea ...) or skin (eczema, hives ...). Asthma is more common then from about five years, while at the age of ten, allergic rhinitis or "hay fever" are the predominant forms.


To prevent children from an atopic family in turn develop an awareness of certain products, the first step recommended by experts is prolonged exclusive breastfeeding (for four to six months).

Although the available data do not yet allow to completely eliminate the risk of sensitization of the infant by the passage of certain food antigens in breast milk, the mother should not ban certain products to all of its power, otherwise to appear nutritional damage to the health of her child shortcomings, emphasized Dr. Fabienne Rance.

The only food for which an elimination diet is recommended, both during pregnancy and lactation are peanuts and tree nuts, as these allergies are associated with relatively severe manifestations. While the effectiveness of this measure is not yet proven, the act of depriving a peanut is not likely to cause a deficiency, she said.

Food diversification should not be initiated within six months and the introduction in the diet of eggs, fish, shellfish and seafood should not take place before the child reaches the age of a year, while the peanut, sesame and nuts should not be given before the age of four or five years.

In addition, fruits, vegetables and meats must always be given cooked the first time, said Dr Fabienne Rance.

Prevention also requires compliance with general measures outlaw passive smoking, limit exposure to airborne allergens (house ventilate and reduce moisture limit haunts mites, do not take cat if there has not in the house), and meet the immunization schedule of the child in particular.

Allergy prevention is complex and difficult, due to the influence of the environment, but you should know that 90% of atopic live perfectly, concluded Toulouse specialist.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →