Atopic dermatitis, what is it?
The sensibility of a person to an allergen can occur in several forms: asthma, rhinitis, eczema ... atopic dermatitis is a particular form in a child predisposed. As the disease manifests itself, what are the causes, treatments ... The answers are in this article.
Atopic dermatitis is a form of allergy that primarily affects children, but also reached adult and respect the skin. It is also called eczema or atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema infant.
Atopic dermatitis evolves in spurts and is manifested especially before the age of 6 months. It mainly affects a child with a predisposed to allergies, in most cases, one parent has an atopic. These are people with increased sensitivity to certain allergens, and this characteristic is inherited and transmitted from parent to child.
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin inflammation that often begins with dry skin or xerosis, whose development is favored more by the cold and stress.
Thus, superimposed on genetic predisposition, many allergens are involved, they trigger and maintain eruptions. These allergens are different from one child to another and need to be detected early by parents. Other factors are promoting skin irritation (excessive washing, excessive hygiene), immune deficiency, confined environment, exposure to pet dander, exposure to tobacco smoke, exposure to pollen , exposure to pollution .... The environment a child prone to allergies have a significant impact on his health.
Atopic dermatitis appears as red, scaly and dry with scabs, itchy lesions. These lesions are usually localized to the scalp, cheeks, chin, limbs and skin folds. In infants, the lesions can also occur in the abdomen.
The diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in children is established when the pruritic skin lesions are associated with other signs such as:
- Definition of asthma and allergic rhinitis in the family, including children less than 4 years
- Appearance of dry skin or xerosis before the age of 1 year
- The signs appear for the first time before the age of 2 years
- The child has experienced flare-ups before
Atopic dermatitis is changing slowly with periods of flare-ups, including the presence of allergens involved and contributing factors. Complications are rare, but they exist. The bacterial infection (Staphylococcus aureus) lesions are the major complications to be feared because of scratching or irritation. The infection of lesions by herpes virus is also possible where the need for vaccination. In addition, the itching can cause sleep disorders and irritation in children.
Atopic dermatitis is mainly influenced by the terrain, so the treatment is based on the prevention of relapses and the treatment of signs during flares. Prevention of relapses is based on measures of maintenance and eviction of contributing factors:
- Use warm water for toilets and baby avoid soaps or other irritants
- To bring to baby cotton clothes
- Apply emollients and moisturizers after bathing
All products used in baby care must be tested and recommended by the doctor.
During periods thrust of corticosteroids for topical application are prescribed by the doctor. These drugs can relieve itching and reduce inflammation of the skin. Antibiotic or antiseptic drugs are needed in case of infection. The emollient application also helps to fight against dryness of the skin. Medical supervision to the allergist is recommended because atopic predisposes the child to several other forms of allergies that must be caught early.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →