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Autism disorders more common in families of scientists?

Children with autism are more numerous in family science , according to a study published in the journal "Archives of Disease in Childhood ."
People with autism have social difficulties and communication as well as obsessive-compulsive disorder . The number of diagnosed cases of autism appears to be increasing , and some believe that this would result in a better understanding of the pathology associated with more frequent diagnosis.

Professor Baron- Cohen at the University of Cambridge ( UK ) and colleagues analyzed 42 previous studies have evaluated the frequency of individuals with autism in the population.

One of these studies involving 1,000 patients with autism , has shown that fathers and grandfathers of autism had a chance twice to work in a scientific profession.

Scientists, mathematicians and engineers have specific skills of problem analysis and systematization. According to Dr. Baron- Cohen, they would present further reduced interest in social life and sometimes obsessive behaviors , characteristics of autism.

In addition, the researchers also found that science students have a higher number of relatives with autism than students in the humanities. Mathematicians also have a higher rate characteristics associated with autism than the general population .

The mutual attraction of scientists promote their union and thus the transmission of genes from " autism " in their offspring, says Dr. Baron- Cohen in an article published on the website of BBC News.

Dr. Baron- Cohen believes that genes play a role in analytic reasoning, present among scientists and engineers would also have effects on social and communication skills .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →