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Carney triad

It is the combination of a gastric tumor (leiomyoblastoma which is a tumor of smooth muscle cells formed embryonic appearance) to an extra-adrenal paraganglioma (see pheochromocytoma) and pulmonary chondroma. (Benign cartilage)
Its cause is still unknown.
This could be related to a disorder of embryonic development of the NEURAL CREST (see this term).
This syndrome has been noted among young women,
around thirty, generally blood group.
The evolution of the disease is slow and has most often decades.
At first they are gastrointestinal bleeding manifested,

and complications of paraganglioma at the end of evolution (metastatic tumor progression, accidents crisis hypertension).


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →