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Elevated transaminases

Their increase was observed in viral hepatitis, toxic hepatitis, sometimes in cases of obstruction of the common bile duct.
One can note their increase in liver cirrhosis, primary or secondary liver cancer in acute pancreatitis and myocardial infarction.
Transaminases SGPT (or ALT) and SGOT (or AST). SGPT is glutamic pyruvic transaminase, also called alanine aminotransferase
. SGOT is oxalacétique.encore called glutamic transaminase, aspartate aminotransferase
The AST is present in the muscles which the myocardium, kidneys, brain, and liver.
ALT is present in the CYTOPLASM (qv) in liver cells, but also in the muscles.
The AST can be falsely elevated when taking too much vitamin C, and aminosalicylic acid, erythromycin, and when the diet is rich in sucrose
An AST / ALT> 2 report is suggestive of acute alcoholic hepatitis, taking paracetamol, a disease WILSON (qv).
An AST / ALT> 1 ratio can be observed in any liver disease cirrhosis stage
A significant increase in transaminases (> 10 times or 20 times normal) may be related
- An acute viral hepatitis,
- Drug-induced hepatitis,
- Toxic hepatitis,
- Autoimmune hepatitis,
- A ISCHEMIA (qv) in the liver
- Migration of a calculation of the bile ducts
Cholangitis-to Initialz stage
- Budd-Chiari.
Moderate elevation (<10-fold) can be compared with many liver disease:
- All hepatitis (A, B, C)
- Alcoholic hepatitis
- Some viral diseases such as: HERPES (qv)
the CYTOMEGALOVIRUS the virus EPSTEIN-BARR (see these terms)
- The FATTY (qv)
- Toxic (industrial or herbal)
- Genetic Diseases:
Wilson disease,
HEMOCHROMATOSIS (see these terms)
- Celiac disease
- Muscle diseases (especially hereditary metabolic diseases
- Intense physical exercise
-The medicalization (taking too many drugs)


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →