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Nervousness can it cause high blood pressure?

Our emotions have different impacts on the functioning of our body. Extreme stress and nervousness are often established as particularly affecting blood pressure and heartbeat. However, knowing the mechanism of hypertension, it is difficult to rank among the root causes of this blood disease.
Hypertension is a vascular disease characterized by an abnormal increase in blood pressure in the artery wall.

Different emotions felt by an individual such as stress, nervousness, anxiety, pain, joy, ... can have an impact on health, as well as the functioning of the body. Indeed, faced with different situations giving these souls and emotions states, the body reacts. This then results in an increased heart rate, associated with elevated blood pressure. However, this increase in blood pressure is temporary and disappears spontaneously when the emotion is well managed by the person. The blood pressure changes temporarily as physical activity and emotional state of the subject.

Thus, stress and nervousness can cause a sudden, temporary rise in blood pressure, but do not necessarily constitute the real causes of hypertension, because for a hypertensive person, blood pressure constantly high, even outside of stress and nervousness.

Nervousness and stress are factors that influence hypertension (especially in a hypertensive person), a real cause and that initial "created" hypertension. In addition, chronic stress or chronic nervousness increases the risk of complications in people with existing cardiovascular problems with high risk factors. This is called risk factors.

If nervousness or chronic stress affects the numbers of blood pressure, they are still more dangerous to the health status of the person, stress, adopt risky behaviors such as smoking, alcohol, poor diet and inappropriate.

Also, a person who had no personal history of hypertension, and with elevated blood pressure, then becoming permanent at any time due to a state of chronic stress should consult a doctor to find the cause accurate. Stress is not a primary cause of hypertension, but is the factor that showed hypertension. This requires research on family history (because it could be a person predisposed to the disease), as well as lifestyle. Several additional tests will look for illnesses that may be involved.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →