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Virus persistence

Some virus after infection persist in the body and are not removed, as opposed to some that after infection are destroyed by antibodies that the body will be made (eg Rubella is caused by a virus that triggers the production of antibodies that destroy the virus).
Viral persistence is responsible for:
- Highs of episodes in the life of the subject,
- A viral infection that can occur in case of impairment of the immune system,
- Chronic infection,
- Viral infections may be associated with cancer,
- Especially because this virus is always survival of the virus in a population.

The virus somehow escapes the immune system and reaches its target tissue where it will remain more or less dormant (latent) during the lifetime of the subject without events too damaging to the survival of the organization achieves.

- The HERPES virus is a DNA virus causes this phenomenon of viral persistence.

During primary infection, the virus wins ganglia and integrates its GENOME CHROMOSOME in neuronal ganglion cells.

When various factors such as the flu, sunburn, fever, rules, psychological conflicts, the virus is reactivated and suddenly manifest, for example a BUTTON FEVER. The number of activations varies depending on the subject.

- The POX virus ZONA site has its persistence in the nerve ganglia also. Reactivation is usually after several years. If the immune system fails, reactivation can be extremely serious by the occurrence of an extremely severe shingles.

- The CYTOMEGALOVIRUS site has its persistence in the lymph nodes. It integrates its genome into B lymphocytes. Reactivation can be very severe in immunocompromised giving lung, liver sometimes very serious digestive diseases,.

- The Epstein Barr virus persistence has its site in the lymph nodes and integrates its genome into B lymphocytes. Reactivation can be very serious in some areas of the world where it causes LYMPHOMA BURKITT.

- The virus HEPATITIS B's site persistence in the liver and salivary glands. Fortunately, the virus is usually eliminated by the body through a good immune response. However, in some cases it integrates its genome into the genome of liver cells. Reactivation causes chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis and sometimes liver cancer.

Remember that viral persistence is reflected by the presence of HBsAg antigen (australia) in the blood and the absence of anti-HBs (anti-HBs Ab). The HBeAg is a marker of viral replication.

- HEPATITIS C virus: the virus RNA appears to persist through continuous replication in the body and not by integrating its genome into the cell genome. reactivation causes chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis sometimes even liver cancer.

- The AIDS virus have their site persistence in the lymph nodes, especially in the T-CELL 4 and Macrophages (see these terms). See AIDS VIRAL PERSISTENCE.

The phenomenon of viral persistence is important to know to find and administer the most effective treatment at the right time, and for making possible vaccines.

Viral infections are very complex and difficult to control.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →