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AIDS: state of play

AIDS is a major public health problem because the number of people with AIDS is increasing every year and the majority are located in developing countries.
The disease appeared for the first time in 1970 and mainly concerned the gay community by creating an epidemic in North America.

In 1981, the signs were found among homosexuals in Western Europe and America as well as in women with multiple partners in parts of Africa.

The AIDS virus was described in 1982 and the first treatment was discovered in 1987 but was made available in 1990. However, the first treatment was not curative but had the effect of influencing the proliferation of viruses and slow the disease.

Approximately 33.3 million people in the world (latest UN data / AIDS) are reached in 2009 and men aged 15 to 39 years are most affected.

Status of Research
In 2004, approximately 440,000 patients in developed countries received antiviral therapy and currently more than 700,000 people living with HIV receive treatment in accordance with the government aid and their partners.

WHO announces today, under the facilitation of access to antiviral drugs, the provision of these drugs in developing countries.

Hope for a vaccine?
Although no vaccine has yet been developed, the results of studies and research on several clinical trials currently revive the hope of vaccine against AIDS.

A team of U.S. researchers has discovered how to neutralize the AIDS virus but these results are still theoretical.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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