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What to do in case of insomnia?

Waking up early in the morning, waking up frequently at night, difficulty falling asleep, which has not experienced this? Only when insomnia becomes persistent, and that the quality of sleep the next day is disrupted, then there is time to review some tips ...

Insomnia is a sign of sleep disorders, characterized by an inability to find a normal, restful sleep that affect the quality of sleep the next day: fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, poor concentration, a memory disorder ...

Insomnia can be a difficulty in falling asleep, frequent awakenings or early awakening. The subject is often tired in the morning.

Insomnia are very difficult to assess. Sleep needs vary depending on the condition, age, but also by the activities of the individual. However, it was determined that the need for sleep is an adult an average of 7 to 8 hours per day.

Transient insomnia may be related to a specific situation such as stress or anxiety about one time and occasional event (review, divorce, conflict, childbirth, ...). Insomnia is defined as chronic when it persists for several weeks or several months.

Several factors can cause insomnia, so to be able to react in the right direction, it is useful to know and take into account the causes of these sleep disorders. Indeed, support depends primarily on the cause.

The causes of insomnia may be linked

- Lifestyle: food difficult to digest, frequent naps, frequent trips with jetlag, irregularities of sleep or nap, frequent evening outings, excessive consumption of stimulants (coffee, alcohol, chocolate, drugs, cola )

- The environment: noise, light, temperature (too hot or too cold)

- Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, anxiety, depression (the most common causes)

- Age: people over the age of 50 often complain of insomnia

- Some drugs

- To diseases:

sleep apnea,

associated with chronic pain diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, ...)

respiratory problems, respiratory failure, asthma, heart failure

Urinary problems: frequent urination

Gastrointestinal problems: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

other diseases: Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, hyperthyroidism, restless legs syndrome

disorders or hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle in women (PMS, perimenopause)

Our tips

Thus, in cases of insomnia, it is advisable to first ensure that it is actually an insomnia. We are not talking about insomnia when sleep difficulties which have no repercussions on the quality of daily life (eg an early alarm, but the subject is in great shape and there is not affect the quality of sleep the next day. This case could be a simple personal habit).

We must seek the causes or factors that could be the cause.

Some simple measures can improve the quality of sleep:

- Use of low intensity exercise on a regular basis

- Ensure a quiet and relaxing ritual before sleep: music, reading, bath, ...

- In addition to sleep and sexual activity, avoid performing other activities in bed (eating in bed, watching TV, ...)

- Ensure a light evening meal, at regular times, and it is sometimes safer to rely on the advice of a nutritionist in case of insomnia related to poor diet

- Avoid foods or stimulants (coffee, tea, cola, vitamin C)

- Avoid stress and practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, massage, baths,

- Maintain a steady pace of personal life with regular hours: sleep at regular hours, get up at regular hours, perform regular short naps (but avoid naps if it has an impact on the quality of sleep at night) .

- Get out of bed when you do not want to sleep, performing relaxing activities, do not stay long awake in bed in the morning

- Rest and sleep when tired

- Check the conditions that can promote good sleep mattresses, lighting, ambient noise, temperature and ventilation ...

- Avoid self-medication, avoid taking sedatives or hypnotics without medical advice (these drugs are not as systematic support depends on the cause)

- In the case of drugs prescribed by the doctor, avoid stopping on its own initiative

Some cases of insomnia may require medical treatment such as psychotherapy (behavioral therapy), or an introduction to some drugs, strict doctor's prescription (sleeping pills, antidepressants, tranquilizers, ...). Insomnia-related diseases require more specific care taken (eg pain).


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →