HIV and AMP: all couples can hope to have a child
A couple of two
affected by the AIDS virus can expect to have a child with medically assisted
procreation (MAP), said Dr. Juliette Guibert (Cochin Hospital, Paris), at a
press conference in margin of the 30th National Day of CNGOF (French National
College of obstetricians), held in conjunction with the World Day against AIDS.
Possibility of
birth through the AMP
Since the advent
of HAART in 1996, which amended the profile of HIV patients, considered a
chronic, rather than fatal disease quickly, doctors began in 1998 to consider
more readily associated with the MPA issue HIV.
research protocols have been carried out in France, after the work done in
Italy and Belgium: one at Cochin Hospital, one in Toulouse, in men infected
with HIV, separating the seminal fluid sperm, the latter being free of any
viral presence. Overall, sixty couples was treated at Cochin and the same
proportion in Toulouse with since no contamination has been reported
"success raises the reproductive specialist .
Then the order
of 10 May 2001 authorized the practice routinely in centers with a completely
separate lab to accommodate gametes from infected people, the aim being to
prevent mixing of materials and contamination.
protect and overcome infertility
"The MPA in
a couple affected by HIV has two goals, said Dr. Guibert procreate without
sacrificing protection methods in the couple and overcome infertility if any
man and / or woman are infected."
The method
proves safe for all HIV-negative partner and children, if the man is infected.
"In the
HIV-positive woman, a self-insemination can be performed at home, consisting of
a collection of sperm in a condom without spermicide (reports are necessarily
protected) using a needleless syringe, then reinjected into the vagina without
the need for an aseptic environment. Semen can be collected after masturbation
into a clean container, non-sterile, before being reintroduced into the vagina,
"describes the gynecologist, while noting the possibility of insemination
center if the couple wishes (even with a GPA IVF infertility).
When both
partners are infected, we must continue to protect the sex, she says, to avoid
surcontamination because viruses differ from one individual to another,
developing in each agency or resistance mutations . In this situation, IVF is
immediately considered.
Since 2001, 500
children born
"In France,
informs Dr. Guibert, 500 children were born in the ART centers, about 150 per
year and by 1000 annual cycles insemination or in vitro fertilization technique
(IVF): it is a heavier processing ( requiring ovulation stimulation, injections
three weeks a month and a puncture eggs), but is indispensable if elements of
infertility are superimposed to the HIV disease. Indeed, the virus is often
associated with other sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, caused
severe salpingitis and tubal obstructive pathologies. "
If a child born
to an HIV-negative mother can not be infected (serological tests are now
performed in this situation), AMP does not prevent possible transmission from
an infected mother to her child. "The contamination rate is still below 1%
(or even much lower, versus 20 to 25% in case of natural evolution of the
infection without treatment) if the viral load remains undetectable in women.
Nevertheless, the patient was treated the last trimester of pregnancy,
childbirth and post-natal period, and the child is always at birth in six
weeks, "said the specialist.
According to
her, as with any off HIV GPA must not only be in a relationship for two years
to qualify, but, in the case of HIV-positive women, regardless of their age
("especially if it is the partner who is infected "because age would
have a greater impact on ovarian function in the presence of HIV, it probably
had an effect on fertility):" So it is important not to delay pregnancy if
the desire child 'is confirmed and the right conditions, "she recommends.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →