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Creation of a European Internet information on the website hepatitis C

On the occasion of the European Day of awareness of hepatitis C, the federation "SOS Hepatitis" announced the launch of a European Internet information on the disease site.
Designed by a group of patient organizations from a dozen European, African and Middle Eastern countries, this site includes information about hepatitis C, but also the most frequently asked questions and responses, as well as contact details of associations existing patients and links to sites that can help the patient who often feel isolated, says federation president Michel Bonjour, in a statement.

He recalled that "40 to 50% of those infected do not know it, but today we can cure hepatitis C". "In France, 5,000 infections occur each year, 80% among users of intravenous drugs and 5,000 people die at the same time following a hepatitis C".

In total, 600,000 people in France were infected with hepatitis C. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that worldwide, the number exceeds 170 million.

However, one-fifth of people with chronic hepatitis C is a risk of developing cirrhosis after 10 years of evolution. Cirrhosis exposes patients to complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding, severe liver dysfunction and especially liver cancer whose risk is estimated at 5% of cirrhotic patients.

Three groups of people were identified as particularly at risk of infection: users of intravenous drugs, people who have been transfused and those followers of piercing and tattooing.

Detected in time, hepatitis C can be cured. In 85% of cases after six months of treatment for patients with genotype 2 and 3, and in 50% after one year of treatment for patients with genotype 1. But "even if the virus is not eradicated, the treatment is useful: the patients 'bad genotype' and do not respond to treatment have their liver to improve a histological point of view and thus avoid a possible evolution to liver cancer, "said Michel Bonjour.

Unfortunately, the side effects of treatment 10% of patients leading to interrupt during the first six months and 20% during the year. New antiviral strategies are currently under development, with the hope of a better tolerance


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →