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How to gain weight?

If some people are working to lose weight, others are worried about their thin and underweight. Changing eating habits, physical exercise ... it's not so obvious. So follow our advice into practice.

We talk underweight when BMI is abnormally low and less than 18.5 (according to WHO).

Underweight can be

- The sign of a disease (cancer, diabetes, colitis, Crohn's disease, celiac disease),

- Due to a psychiatric disorder (anorexia, depression), these conditions are generally common among adolescents.

- Due to the presence of an infection (for example TB),

- Linked to Addiction

- Hereditary

- Or simply related to malnutrition

Sometimes it is a single sign, not linked to any specific cause we're talking about a constitutional underweight. So in order to remedy this, it is always prudent to investigate the causes. Underweight may also be related to stress, or certain irritants such as nicotine or caffeine.

Underweight may therefore require a medical consultation as may affect the health of an individual, especially when linked to a disease. The calculation of body mass index to define whether the subject should actually gain weight or not. Constitutional thinness is often a stable condition and is not related to a disease or other condition.

Risks underweight include anemia, early onset osteoporosis, heart disease and decreased immunity.

Many people and seek solutions to save weight, and the proposed solutions are mainly focused on diets with a hyper caloric food consumption with a high energy value. Added to this is the regular practice of moderate physical exercise. The solutions proposed are generally well studied, so that the weight gain occurs in a healthy, balanced and progressive. However, the diet should be varied and the subject will not follow any diet. In all cases, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist to better adjust the nutrient and energy needs.

Our tips

- Increase the amount of food consumed

- Eat those we want

- Avoid eating alone, being with friends or family stimulates appetite

- Take a little acid fruit juice before meals

- Practicing gentle exercise before meals do sports like swimming, for example

- Eat foods with high energy

- Limit foods low in energy

- Avoid drinking water in the middle of a meal

- Snacking

- Avoid tea or coffee in the middle of a meal

- Choose calorie-rich foods (including foods that are high in fat)

- Avoid spending too much energy (not to perform strenuous exercise), energy expenditure must be less than the caloric intake

- Ensure a good sleep and take naps during the day, it is also advisable to keep regular hours for sleep and naps

- Manage stress and practice relaxation techniques, this will improve the pace of meal and stimulate appetite

- Quit to better stimulate appetite

To go further

Gain weight: Foods that make you fat

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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