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Constipation: tips ....

Constipation is a very common condition, which has not yet known? If the causes are often functional and not serious, it is sometimes necessary to consult a doctor to find out a little more. An organic cause, metabolic, neurological, ... In any case, waiting to find out, here are some tips that can ease the moment.
Constipation is a problem issue of stool, which become hard and dried. We're talking about constipation when an individual makes less than three bowel movements per week.

Chronic constipation is when the signs have lasted more than 6 to 12 months.

There are basically two mechanisms in constipation:

- Either there is an abnormal movement of stool in the intestines due to a slowdown of intestinal peristalsis, in which case the stool remains accumulated in the intestines
- Either there is an abnormality of bowel movements in the rectum, causing an intense effort to push during defecation. This case may be the cause of bleeding during thrust

Both mechanisms may combine to induce both an evacuation difficulty (effort pushed repeatedly, rectal pain) with hard, dry stools.

In general, constipation is functional in origin because there is no obvious cause and precise. This essentially involves poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and psychological factors (stress, emotions or anxiety).

However, constipation may be due to organic causes, causes metabolic or neurological causes, while requiring more specific support:

- Diverticulitis, diverticulitis
- A colorectal cancer
- Intestinal obstruction
- The hemorrhoids, anal fissure
- Diabetes, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, hypothyroidism
- Parkinson's disease, paraplegia, a disorder of the spinal cord

Sometimes certain medications can cause constipation as laxatives taken over a prolonged period, anxiolytics or antidepressants, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory, anti-cholinergic ... However, the signs depend on the tolerance of each individual.

Constipation of recent onset is usually a benign condition, linked to improper diet. Thus, it is first advisable to start with correct eating habits and lifestyle:

- Ensure a high-fiber diet: fruits (apple, pear, peach, prunes, figs), green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains, wheat bran

- Drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters of water per day), drinking prune juice

- Avoid alcohol, coffee and foods that can irritate the intestines (fried foods, foods high in fat)

- Take advice from your doctor if you are taking medication that may be the cause of constipation, it is not advisable to take the decision himself to stop drugs

- Go to the saddle, raising the knees to facilitate movement of stool in the intestines (use a footstool for example to obtain a squatting position)

The prescription of laxatives is usually done after change in diet. It is strongly recommended to seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist when using laxatives. It is also advisable to read the instructions on the medicine. Prolonged use of laxatives is not beneficial for the body, including the digestive system and promotes a state of dependency. A medical consultation is required if the results are not satisfactory.

There are several types of laxatives, whose indications depend mainly causes constipation. For benign and harmless constipation, non-irritating laxatives or mild laxatives are the most commonly prescribed (orally or rectally)

- The bulk laxatives are less irritating to the intestines. These are drugs based on fibers that increase stool volume and facilitate their evacuation.
- Osmotic laxatives are also commonly used, these are drugs that contain salt or sugar, with times faster action.
- The rectal laxatives can also be used, but never long term. They are often suppositories drugs based glycerin.

Some plants have also proven effective against constipation, and can be used in a timely manner:

- Aloe vera
- The tamarind (as for example of jam)
- Boldo (native herb from Peru that is found in some herbal products)

However, it is worth remembering that when constipation is accompanied by serious symptoms, see a doctor immediately arises:

- Weight loss marked and obvious
- Constipation for more than 3 weeks
- And persistent abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting
- Blood in the stool, or the presence of mucus in the stool
- No gas emission
- Existence of fever, chills
- Existence of alternating with diarrheal


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →