Hepatitis C infected drug users seem knowledgeable but not treated
Drug users
intravenous HCV seem well informed about the health risks, but are scarcely
treated for this infection, shows a study of associations and Asud SOS
hepatitis, presented to the national meetings of the Risk Reduction organized
studies have shown a very high prevalence of HCV, close to 75% among users or
ex-users of intravenous drugs, leading to criticism of the effectiveness of the
strategy to reduce risks," recalled President Asud Fabrice Olivet, told
Reuters Health.
The association
Autosupport drug users (Asud) and SOS hepatitis have circulated a questionnaire
to eight pages (which lasts about 30 minutes) to users or former users of
intravenous drugs on the perceptions of hepatitis C and that its treatment,
their lifestyle with chronic hepatitis, clinical status, the level of support
and information on viral hepatitis.
"Among the
450 users HCV who responded, the vast majority of them is part of a system of
care and seems well informed about the disease and the risks associated with
the virus," said Fabrice Olivet.
The results show
that users have an image of hepatitis relatively consistent with reality. This
view is similar to that of the general population.
In addition, 84%
of patients saw a doctor about their HCV infection in the last twelve months,
but less than half (46%) received treatment.
However, 36% of
patients were offered treatment but declined mainly due to a fear of side
effects of anti-HCV treatment (59%).
"We believe
that the lack of information about the disease and its management is the key
issue. The survey shows that users, but also the professional center
management, meet a barrier to access care and screening, "said the
president of SOS hepatitis, Michel Bonjour, in an analysis of this survey.
To remedy this,
the association proposes to strengthen the multidisciplinary management of drug
users (hepatologist, psychiatrist, general, CSST team, social workers outside
the center ...) and to facilitate access to screening and care, in terms of
time, for example, for patients who have lifestyles often disorganized.
She believes that
the professionals who supervise addicts have problems related to the
representation of hepatitis C and not always aware of the importance of
treating this infection.
Regarding the
perception of risk of transmission of hepatitis C, the respondents seem to have
good information risk, since 90% of them believe that sharing needles is the
vector of the greater risk.
"Our survey
shows that users are well aware of the risk associated with HCV and the use of
intravenous drugs and they were probably contaminated by other routes as
syringes, such as cotton, spoons or water used in drug use, "said Fabrice
Associations are
concerned, however, the lack of awareness of the "young addicts" who
have just entered the drug and does not seem to pay attention to instructions
related to risk.
Indeed, the
study showed a difference in perception and situation based on the age of the
users or ex-users (roughly 40 years). It was revealed on the one hand, a
sub-population of older patients now more established and more involved in the
care and therefore both more aware of risk behaviors and transmission of
hepatitis With a better understanding of hepatitis and its treatment, and the
other, a younger population with the opposite characteristics.
These results
confirm those of the seroprevalence survey Poppy published in the Weekly
Epidemiological Bulletin (BEH) that show a very high prevalence among young

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →