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Hepatitis A: the Academy of Medicine recommends a limited expansion of vaccination

The National Academy of Medicine recommends expanding to new defined vaccination against the virus groups hepatitis A virus (HAV).
Hepatitis A: the Academy of Medicine recommends a limited expansion of vaccination
"Fourteen years after the first vaccine against hepatitis A market, the French strategy of vaccination against this disease remains minimalist", said in a written Prof. Yves Buisson, head of the Institute of Tropical Medicine Service Document Army Health (IMTSSA) Pharo in Marseille, and corresponding member of the Academy of Medicine.
It confines itself to certain categories of people exposed to infection by their professional or leisure activities, he added.
Vaccination against hepatitis A is recommended in France for personal nurseries, personal boarding facilities and services for children and youth with disabilities, personal treatment of wastewater and the staff involved in food preparation in catering.
The recommendations also include non-immune adults and children older than one year traveling in endemic areas, young boarding facilities and services for children and youth with disabilities, people exposed to particular risks (hemophilia, multiple transfusions, intravenous drug use), patients chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers or chronic liver disease, as well as gay men.
"These recommendations are included in a limited protection of persons at risk strategy. More than half of the cases of hepatitis A with no known risk factors, such a strategy can have an impact on the transmission HAV in France, "said Dr. Bush.
The Academy of Medicine recommends expanding vaccination against hepatitis A for all non-immune subjects at risk of developing a severe form of the disease, including people with chronic infection with hepatitis C ( HCV) and children with cystic fibrosis.
It also requests that can benefit from health insurance paid by all Traveller children, particularly in families originating from North Africa, staying each year in highly endemic countries and vaccine children from families "The Journey".
The recommendations also cover people in departments and overseas territories (DOM-TOM), taking into account the age distribution and prevalence of hepatitis A particularly Guyana, on prison authorities and on anyone contacting an acute hepatitis A cases.
Routine immunization of children older than one year admitted preschool communities would finally evaluate in terms of cost-effectiveness in an urban area of ​​high transmission adds Yves Buisson


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →