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Are there ways that can treat stretch marks?

Stretch marks are real problems for women and are sometimes complex and source of stress. If you can not get rid of so easily, there are nevertheless some treatments that could improve the quality of the skin. However, do not try before consulting a dermatologist.
When the skin is distended extremely exaggerated and too fast, the elastic fibers deteriorate and lose their elasticity to leave scars that are usually permanent and indelible. What are stretch marks. They appear as parallel streaks, irregular and folded under the skin, the color gradually changes. They are at the beginning of darker red color, becoming pale or clear. Stretch marks are often linked to a thinning of the epidermis.

Women are affected more often and stretch marks appear primarily among those who underwent rapid weight gain, especially pregnant women. Women with white skin or light skin are most at risk.

The development of stretch marks would also involve factors such as

- Hormonal changes (some endocrine diseases)

- An unhealthy lifestyle (extremely intense exercise requiring exaggerated muscle work but also the lack of physical exercise)

- The period of growth (especially during puberty)

- Genetic factors with an inherited predisposition

Stretch marks are generally located on the hips, buttocks, thighs, abdomen, breasts ....

Stretch marks leave permanent impressions; proposed treatments are only used to slow their appearance and improve skin quality. These treatments are only prescribed by a dermatologist, treatment methods are not necessarily the same for each individual, because essentially depends on the extent of stretch marks, and skin color.

Medical treatments aim to promote the regeneration of deep layers of the epidermis. Treatment methods are varied and their indications and their effectiveness are not the same. The intervention of the dermatologist is mandatory during treatment sessions. They are:

- Local application of creams or lotions anti-stretch marks

- Peeling: a method of scraping the skin's surface to remove dead cells and make up the deeper layers. The peel is usually associated with other treatment methods.

The chemical peel is the most used, it consists in applying a product at the indoor stretch region. However, this product can not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, serious or chronic illness. Sun exposure is also to be avoided.

Mechanical peeling is called dermabrasion. It involves scraping the skin with an instrument and it helps regenerate the deeper layers. This method requires a local anesthetic because it can cause pain. The reappearance of stretch marks can be several months after the treatment sessions.

- The use of laser radiation on the epidermis of the skin. This method of treatment should be mainly carried out by a specialist and also requires several sessions.

- LED photomodulation is a recent method of treating stretch marks is to spread the light rays at the treatment area. This method also aims to regenerate the deeper layers of the skin and is considered more effective.

- Surgery may be considered if excessive weight gain.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →