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What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids include all veins (hemorrhoidal veins) that are normally found in the rectal mucosa and anal.

These hemorrhoidal veins involved in the continence and sphincter tone at rest.
Hemorrhoids are normal anatomical structures present in all individuals. However, when the hemorrhoidal veins become enlarged and undergo inflammation permanently, is called "hemorrhoidal disease."

Hemorrhoidal disease can affect all ages but is most common in adults over 50 years. It can affect both women (including pregnant women) than men.

Prevalence of hemorrhoidal disease is still poorly appreciated in France. More than 50% of visits to the gastroenterologist are hemorrhoidal disease *.

* A study was conducted with 2,071 gastroenterologists liberals in Paris on 25 June 2001 concerning common causes of patient visits (The letter from the hepato-gastroenterologist - 5 - Flying V -. September / October 2002) .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →