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Hepatitis B vaccine

Vaccination against HEPATITIS B consists of 3 injections at 1-month intervals and a booster one year later.
It should be vaccinated:
- People living with HIV HBV, that is to say, carrying the hepatitis B
- Medical staff,
- Subjects with multiple sexual partners,
- Homosexuals,
- Drug addicts,
- Newborns but surrogate virus,
- All teenagers before their first sexual intercourse.
We currently have three vaccines:
- Engerix B
- HB vax DNA.
Moreover, we know that 5 to 10% of infected subjects of hepatitis B become chronic carriers of the antigen and develop CHRONIC ACTIVE HEPATITIS with high viral multiplication is stopped in 40% by the treatment interferon-alpha.
These were vaccinated subjects with active viral replication reflected in the amount of virus DNA in serum and the presence of HBeAg and HBsAg.
6 months after vaccination, the viral DNA has completely disappeared from the serum of three of the 14 vaccinated patients, the transaminase activity is normalized to a few weeks later. In 4 patients, the viral multiplication halved in three months. So, 50% of patients responded completely or partially to vaccination. Tolerance has always been perfect.
It is hoped that immunization a therapeutic effect in the carrier of hepatitis B chronic active. This could be an adjuvant treatment with interferon protocol. A study on a larger number of cases will be undertaken.
A new vaccine strategy seems to have reached a consensus in 1995.
You can get effective protection by two injections one month apart and a booster six months later,
In early 1996, a new recombinant vaccine against hepatitis B has been on the market: the HB VAX DNA 5 micrograms / 0.5 ml. Currently it is available for infants and children (other forms for adults will be available soon).
This vaccine is closer to the natural antigen. This high degree of purity of the protein vaccine provides immunization dose lower than that of other vaccines.
Two immunization schedules are possible:
- 3 injections at 0, 1, 6 months
- 4 injections at 0, 1, 2, 12 months.
The first scheme is more suitable for the vaccination of school-age children (vaccination done in the school year). The second scheme, reserved for infants, simultaneously with the Pentacoq.
Currently (May 1999) the Technical Committee on Immunization (CTV) and the Superior Council of Public Hygiene of France (CSHPF) believe that there is more scientific arguments for maintaining vaccination reminders at regular intervals
But for those at risk (health professionals, patients may receive massive or repeated transfusions, surrounding an infected person, or chronic carrier, sexual partners of an infected person or chronic carrier)
. Attitude should be adjusted according to the age at first vaccination.
- If the first vaccination occurred before age 25, regardless of the immunization schedule, no reminder to predict
- After 25 years reminders provided must be made and a serological test performed 1-2 months after the recall ..
If the anti-HBs antibody is greater than 10 mIU / ml, there are no additional point to make.
If the rate is less than 10 mIU / ml, this means that the immune response is insufficient and it is necessary that the physician assesses the personal risk of the subject to judge whether additional reminders.
Vaccination is intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle or anterolateral thigh for infants.
Since September 1997, a new vaccine against hepatitis A and B has been developed. It allows vaccinated against hepatitis A and B at the same time.
The vaccine called Twinrix, is the first combined vaccine against hepatitis.
Knowing that at-risk populations are almost the same for hepatitis A and hepatitis B, the new vaccine is undeniable progress.
This vaccine provides equivalent to two monovalent vaccines injected into two separate sites protection.
Dual protection is set up between 2 and 4 weeks after the first injection.
The safety of this vaccine is excellent.
At 1 month, seroconversion rates were 94% for hepatitis A and 70% for hepatitis B.
 At 2 months, they are 99.5% for hepatitis A and 97.4% for hepatitis B.
After the third injection, they are practically 100%.
In practice, three injections should be performed:
- The first day 0
- The second D + 30,
- And the third in J + 180
So two injections one month apart and the third at 6 months.
This vaccine is not yet in October 1997, reimbursed by social security.
It can not be dispensed by the pharmacist with a prescription.
In October 1998 mass vaccination in schools has been suspended by the government, so better ask any contrindications of family policy, in particular through a more precise examination in families.

This does not affect the essential vaccination that protects against possible cirrhosis and even hepatocellular carcinoma (Cancer) in the long term.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →