The breath test is performed using a
device conforming to a type approved for determining the alcohol for analysis
of exhaled air.
The applicant is entitled to request
a second inspection after verifying the proper operation of the device.
Anyone who refuses to submit to the
breathalyzer test is punishable equal to that applicable to any person who is
convicted of being under the influence of alcohol, that is to say imprisonment
for two years and fined 30.000F.
A vehicle driver is considered under
the influence of alcohol when establishing their presence in the breath of pure
alcohol content equal to or greater than 0.25 mg / l.
Decree n. 94-570 of 11 July 1994 and
the Decree. 95-962 of 29 August 1995, provided two thresholds punishable BAC
for drivers even if they show no signs of obvious intoxication:
- If the alcohol level in the blood
is greater than or equal to 0.50 g per thousand or present in the exhaled air
shows an alcohol concentration equal to or greater than 0.25 mg per liter, the
driver is liable to a fine. (violation of the fourth class).
- If the observed rates are equal to
or greater than 0.80 g per thousand in the blood or 0.40 mg per liter in the
exhaled air, it is a crime and the penalty is increased to imprisonment for two
years (maximum) and a fine of 30,000 F (maximum).
(Art. L 233-5 and R 1 of the Highway
The alcoholic status can also be proved by clear
signs of intoxication in gait, speech or attitude.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →