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Mental state that can be attached to the SCHIZOPHRENIA and is characterized by opposition to the external environment, coupled with high inertia. The patient is fixed, indifferent to his surroundings.
The patient may have paradoxical actions, issue about weird, present attitudes and unusual gestures.
Consciousness seems preserved, the patient seems to hear, but did not react. It can involve a total refusal to supply and complete silence.
This syndrome is most commonly found in young adults and adolescents.
Outside the schizophrenic context, catatonia can occur in MELANCOLIE, confusion of toxic or infectious origin, and some encephalitis BRAIN TUMORS (see these terms).

The treatment is based on the administration of NEUROLEPTICS and of course the cause if it is detected (brain tumor).


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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